Um convite especial a todas as nações do mundo! Dia 31/10/2021 o dia todo, programação especial de Halloween, as melhores do mundo! Obrigado a você que curte a Rádio Mineira! Deixe seu recado e concorra a uma camisa da Rádio Mineira! Sorteio 01/11/2021 enviaremos para qualquer parte do mundo! Grátis!
A melhor tecnologia os melhores DJ´s! 24 por dia!

A special invitation to all nations of the world! On 10/31/2021 all day, special Halloween program, the best in the world! Thanks to you who like Rádio Mineira! Leave your message and compete for a Radio Mineira shirt! Draw 11/01/2021 will ship anywhere in the world! Free of charge!
The best technology, the best DJ's! 24 a day!

Cuireadh speisialta do náisiúin uile an domhain! Ar an 10/31/2021 an lá ar fad, clár speisialta Oíche Shamhna, an ceann is fearr ar domhan! Go raibh maith agat a dtaitníonn Rádio Mineira leat! Fág do theachtaireacht agus téigh san iomaíocht le haghaidh léine Radio Mineira! Seolfaidh Draw 11/01/2021 áit ar bith ar domhan! Saor in aisce!
An teicneolaíocht is fearr, na DJanna is fearr! 24 sa lá!

向世界所有國家發出特別邀請! 2021年10月31日全天,特別的萬聖節節目,世界上最好的! 感謝您喜歡 Rádio Mineira! 留下您的信息並爭奪 Radio Mineira 襯衫! 抽獎 11/01/2021 將在世界任何地方發貨! 免費!
最好的技術,最好的 DJ! 一天24個!

Een speciale uitnodiging aan alle naties van de wereld! Op 31-10-21 de hele dag speciaal Halloween programma, het beste van de wereld! Dank aan u die van Rádio Mineira houdt! Laat je bericht achter en strijd om een Radio Mineira shirt! Draw 11/01/2021 wordt overal ter wereld verzonden! Gratis!
De beste technologie, de beste DJ's! 24 per dag!